Montag, 3. Februar 2014

Fill your day with love, laughter - and music

It has been a very, very, VERY good day for me :)


As for food, as I got up late, I had a big rice milk latte with nescafé for breakfast, a big salad with chick peas, some corn and red beans (and a joghurt/balsamico dressing) for late midday/early supper - with a slice of whole grain bread, and three slices of whole-grain bread with a bit of nougat spread for dinner/night meal when I got home about an hour ago.

(No one takes away my nougat from time to time!
I know it is "bad"/supoptimal calorie-wise, but while I am changing my habits,
nougat will stay there some time more, I guess.)
I felt light and energized all through the day and work was a breeze. Great!

I start, live, and end every day with Music...

song, sound is just so important.


You should know that this blog will be CRAMMED with pics,

and music.


Be prepared for that.

Because although I am a woman of the word
(in every sense of it),
I still believe some things are much better said
in music,
in image,
in touch,
in silence if need be...
but you get my point.

This should be a holistic thing. :)

Yet I know not everyone likes my style of music.
(I am the type for pop/rock, spanish music, romantic, instrumental.)
People who prefer more Techno Club Sound,
I recommend this Thing:
Good DJ and great person.
People who like my sound might like this...
(Maná - "Hasta que te conocí")
But now I think for me it is getting time to sleep...
(The Corrs - "Only when I sleep")
 And PLEASE. I am not to tell anybody how to live. Anyone chooses him- and herself.
I am just telling how I did, how I do, and how I am planning to do in the future :)
If anyone sees anything good in this, he/she is free to share whatever I post here (asking permission for the texts, of course).
Yes, I have learned some things in life, but I am not trying to teach anymore.
Just point to some place to look ->
Time for my night lullaby...
(Yiruma - "River flows in you")

Thank you for reading...


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