Dienstag, 20. Mai 2014

You ARE beautiful

Hello all!
I'm feeling bad, weight-wise.
I am up to 106,0 kg (233.11 lb) again.
This can't go on.
I need to stop eating so much.
But still... my boyfriend loves me no less.
Thing that surprises me a lot.
How can he love me, even if I don't (at least, not always)?
Let me tell you something that no one ever tells fat girls.
And it is that fat girls fuck awesome guys ALL THE TIME.
Your weight has absolutely nothing to do with your attractiveness.
Because that comes from within.
Your guy shouldn't (and doesn't) love you "DESPITE" your weight.
He loves you WITH your weight.
This is a plus-size model lots of guys would die to have something with:
(Kelly Brook)
Isn't she beautiful?


So - let go of your complexes and just let them love you.

All of you.

(John Legend - "All of me")
Have a wonderful evening.

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