Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014

These shoes are made for walking



Hello all!

I am sorry for letting so much time pass between my posts...
Weight is 105,3kg (232.23 lb) still... seems to be my magical number.
Never getting past it...
Let's see what I can do...
Last Saturday, I participated in a "Women's Run against Breast Cancer" event...
not running, but WALKING...
5 km walk in 48 minutes, I am pretty proud of myself!
And so today you get to see a pic of me... well, of part of my leg and my walking shoe:
(very bad pic, I admit...)
Thanks to my walking shoes...
(Nancy Sinatra - "These boots are made for walking")

Let the walk continue...

walking towards a happier, fitter, more vital me...


Have a wonderful day!


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