Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

I continue

Hello all!

Here I am again!

The reason I haven't written for so long is, number one, I was very busy
- and number two, I felt bad.
I felt like the anti-example, because I didn't lose weight, because I ate too much (faaaaar too much), and couldn't control my appetite around certain foods.
How is such a person going to lead a weight loss blog?
Well then.
I am not a leader, nor you should see me as one.
I'm your fellow, your comrade-in-arms.
My weight is 104,4kg (230.26 lb) today.
Which is frustrating - it seems I never get past this 104 barrier for longer than a day or two.
But let's look at my measures, because I HAVE changed.
I last took my measures on 8th of march, so it's been two months for all this change:
Waist: 119 cm to 113 cm (- 6 cm, yes!)
Hips: 134 cm to 128 cm (- 6 cm, yessss!!)
Thighs: 77 cm to 73 cm (- 4 cm, good!)
Calfs: 43 cm to 44 cm (+ 1 cm, no idea why)
Breast: 120 cm to 117 cm (- 3 cm, don't mind)
Biceps: 37 cm to 41 cm (+ 4 cm, again no idea why)
Fatass: 134 cm to 126 cm (- 8 cm, YEAH!!!! I rock!)

See? See?!?


There IS change.

In my body, and in my mind.
I am not the same person today as I was back in January, when I started losing, nor like in February, when I started this blog.
I am a little bit stronger, with a little bit more understanding of my inner workings, my cravings and my needs, and what it is that triggers food hell, and what to do to rescue myself before falling.
Day by day, I am learning.
Day by day, I am getting better.

This is going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong journey.

(AC/DC - "Long way to the top if you want to Rock 'n' Roll")
Are you prepared to go with me?
We're gonna make it together.

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