Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

Okay, so I had a shitty day

Hello all...

Yesterday I experienced what all of us got some days of our life...
just a real shitty day.
Getting up, getting on the scale, and seeing you haven't lost anything, even maybe went up with your weight (I was at 105 kg - almost 232 lb - again yesterday)...
Getting desmotivated...
Then getting out, with maybe bad weather...
Have adversities at work...
And maybe you'll feel like "what's it all for?"
But for me, yesterday, after I finished work (which after six hours of pure stress, turned more relaxed for the last two hours - and after all, it was Friday, weekend coming, yeah!):
there were small apple pies with vanilla sauce prepared at the place where I eat during the week... =)
And I could get home (the weather still bad) and cuddle into my bed... and just shut the world out for a few hours.
And in the evening, there was talking to my sweetie... love you... <3

So the shitty day slowly became "less shitty" and even somehow good...

Even if the weight is still up (only lost 100 grams), hey, I will lose in the end if I keep dieting and exercising... and there are more important things than your weight... so:

Would you let the scale ruin your day?


Come on!


Have a great Saturday!


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