Here we go again!
Next challenge?
Ha, now we're gonna start for good...
in the FOOD area.
Let us have a
... and no, I'm not talking about eating cold turkey
(although you could do if you're not addicted to it...)
We're going to
let go of all addictive substances this week.
Whatever it is you behave addictively around.
You'll know best what items these are for you,
so I'm not going to spend a long time talking about mine...
(For me, it would be:
chocolate, sugary treats, wasabi peanuts, and crisps.)
Try to find
not only
"substitute drugs"
(like fruit when you crave sugar),
but really
We're gonna stand through this.
Day 1: I'm gonna do it
Went surprisingly well.
No insane cravings,
just usual hunger
(can be fed with healthy food).
Day 2: Halloween
Harsh to do "Cold Turkey"
on Halloween.
Also, I noticed that
I haven't listed ALL my
There are more,
and one addiction comes
linked to the other.
Day 3: You don't need all of this
Sweetheart's opinion on my perfume and jewellery collection:
"You don't need all of this. You're a gemstone yourself."
No insane cravings,
just usual hunger
(can be fed with healthy food).
Day 2: Halloween
Harsh to do "Cold Turkey"
on Halloween.
Also, I noticed that
I haven't listed ALL my
There are more,
and one addiction comes
linked to the other.
Day 3: You don't need all of this
Sweetheart's opinion on my perfume and jewellery collection:
"You don't need all of this. You're a gemstone yourself."
It's wonderfully sunny and warm today,
so I'll just do some cleaning
and then RELAX...
so I'll just do some cleaning
and then RELAX...
Later that day.
Have been with friends.
One of them gave me some chocolate as a present.
But NO.
I'm not having it.
Not now.
It's not what I crave now.
(Lady Antebellum - "Need you now")
Went for a long walk.
Saw peaceful nature.
Calm... serenity.
Day 4: probed and tested
Talk about the universe
throwing challenges our way
when we decide to tackle them.
My smartphone has issues.
Needs service.
Do I need service, too?
Maybe, church service?
Saw peaceful nature.
Calm... serenity.
Day 4: probed and tested
Talk about the universe
throwing challenges our way
when we decide to tackle them.
My smartphone has issues.
Needs service.
Do I need service, too?
Maybe, church service?
God grant me serenity...
Day 5: intensive care
What the power of community
- and communion -
can do.
Even if it's just a walk through nature
with close friends.
Day 6: hard work
I'm starting to have withdrawal symptoms.
I don't know if I can bear the stress.
At the moment,
I have a lot of Eustress,
but I don't know the "break point"
where it turns into DIS-Stress
and I just can't take it anymore.
I need rest.
Rest and calm.
Day 7: Keep only what is good
Or, to say it translated from a popular German saying:
"Is it art,
or can it be gone?"
Cold Turkey week over...
ready for a little
Happy Dance?
(Roxette - "Milk and Toast and Honey")
Fifth challenge: