Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

Day 12 and 13 (wasted days)

Hello all!

A Mira Richard quote goes

"All the years passed without making any progress

are wasted years."

Let's apply this to days.



The last two days were really wasted.

I did nothing - nothing.

Just sit around, play on the computer, watch TV, and eat.

All this with the great excuse

"I'm on holiday, it's time to relax."


What if

- instead of my idea of "relaxing" -

I make this a feel-good holiday?

Which would mean I eat properly,
go out for a walk sometimes,
see my friends from time to time,
and don't spend my days in my room playing dumb Facebook games.
Come on!
I have to go grocery shopping later,
let's see if I can find some healthy (and possibly vegan) stuff
- instead of all the cheap semolina puddings I've been eating those last two days,
along with lots of bread and hummus.
But before,
I have to get a shower
and then appointment with Alice.
Let's see if she can get my head back in order.
Will report about day 14 when it's over. 

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