I am very well, only had some cereal with soy/rice "milk" and a pear today... no exercise yet (and probably none, except work)...
my weight, I am trying to get off the habit of stepping onto the scale every day. Saturdays count, and I am also taking my measures (will post them some other day, when I also have the conversion table to inches).
The last time I met my dietologist (a super nice lady with a very emotional and holistic approach to weight loss) on Tuesday, she introduced me to the "piano model" by Gerald Koller.
It says that our life is like a big claviature on which we play our own life's melody.
Even a healthy person might not use all the keys, but will use a lot, so to vary and have a complex melody.
Every key symbolizes something that is important to us:
Meeting friends,
our romantic relationship,
our biggest hobbies,
things that relax or uplift us.
Now, by lack of time and/or interest, it can happen that some keys fade away, and we limit only to the most "important" ones.
For example, instead of eleven keys, we limit down to five:
work, friends, partner, food, sleep.
And that's where the problem starts.
A habitual overeater starts to REPLACE other keys with food, and food only.
Can you imagine your life's melody with only one key?
Quite boring, isn't it?
So open up again to more keys.
Re-introduce other keys, other significant things into your life.
You will know best what those things should be.
Play your life, with all its claviature.
Whether your symphony is sweet,
or bittersweet,
is up to you.
(The Verve - "Bittersweet Symphony")
(Some piano masterpieces)
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