Sorry I haven't posted anything in the last week.
Work has been terribly stressful and I didn't feel like giving anything more here on the internet.
I just wanted to relax.
Sadly, I "relaxed" with all the wrong things.
On Wednesday, already at midday I felt I was very hungry, with a lot of appetite.
At night, getting home, I binged - a packet of wasabi peanuts, mini pretzels, chocolate, and mango sorbet.
On Thursday (a day which started great - beginning of spring, warm and pleasant weather, I even went for a walk), things got as worse as they could. I hadn't eaten much before work, then didn't get a proper pause for eight hours straight, as I was working overlooking a machine that couldn't be left unattended. Overmore, it caused problems once and again and everyone at work was frustrated and stressed. At eight, two hours before end of my shift, I broke down. I CRIED - out of hunger, out of exhaustion, out of frustration. I just couldn't take it anymore. Tears were streaming down my face as I kept working. Having finished work, when I was finally on my way home, I went into the first Chinese fast food restaurant that was still open and had avocado maki, rice, and pineapple with palm sugar.
Yesterday was a bit better, but I ate much bread and generally too much of everything.
Of course, overeating like this, I can't expect great stuff on the scale.
It showed 106,4kg today (234,91 lb).
Grrrrrrrr, I'm pretty mad with myself.
But that is how, in overeaters, hunger works.
It doesn't care if you've eaten well and exercised all during last week, it says: "Okay, I'll just wait 'til you get stressed over that situation at work, and then I'll put the sugar, fats and carbs right in front of your nose."
It is that sly and vicious.
The only thing we can do is take precautions. Not let him in. Sometimes, this includes eating MORE, in fact, of good stuff, before hunger and craving drags you to the "bad", unhealthy stuff. Especially breakfast and a proper midday meal are so important. Never skip a meal, the overeating will be worse.
If you've slipped (don't punish yourself saying "I've screwed"), PICK YOURSELF UP. At the very last, the following day.
(Maria Mena - "All this time")
It is going to be better.
YOU can do better.
Let's show it.
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