Good evening everybody!
How are you today?
I am at 104,7kg (230.13 lb) and thus, under 105kg (under 231 lb), which was my goal for this month... now only to see if I can stay like this til end of month - or better yet, diminish this number further down ;)
But it doesn't matter so much if you have lost 20 lb, or 1 single lb during what has been this year so far... even if you have stayed in completely the same place.
If you have the desire and ambition to LIVE HEALTHIER,
And you should be proud of yourself.
When I told my counselor I was a little desperate because I was losing so slowly, she asked me: "How much have you lost this year?" I said: "10 kilos [about 22 lb], from 115kg [253 lb] to 105kg [231 lb]." The helping assistant looked at me in awe and said "that's incredible!".
And they both agreed I should be a little proud of myself :)