Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

The "Give a smile" week


This week,


we are going to try to give a smile to everything

and everyone.



Including oneself in the mirror.


No judgements...

just smile.



 Day 1: trying to smile
Alice... you're an angel.
Always trying to get me to smile at myself,
even if I'm feeling like shit.

Day 2: smile?
Okay, so I started with a lot of good intentions...
and then screwed up the day.
But still... smile... and try again.

Day 3: smiling at the world
A splendid Saturday.
How could I not be happy?
Having a soy latte and smiling at the world.

Day 4: relaxed Sunday
It's easy to be happy on a sunny Sunday.

Day 5: back to work with a smile
Day went very well.

Day 6: smilingly accepting
Smile through the difficulties...
it's all good.

Day 7: fallen sick
A bit a hard to smile today...
I've caught an intestinal virus and am home
having the shitties :D

But "give a smile week" was great.

Eight challenge:


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