Hello all!
How did your weekend go?
I hope you spent it very well.
Mine was really wonderful.
Although on Friday I only got home from work and fell right into bed, to sleep 'til Saturday 10 a.m., the rest of the weekend was pretty damn good!
On Saturday I felt a little depressed again, but rather bored, didn't quite know what to do with myself at home... so I called a friend to come over and watch a DVD ("Chennai Express", Bollywood comedy with Shah Rukh Khan). She liked it a lot, it was quite funny! And just on the spot she invited me to accompany her and two others to the cinema in the evening, to watch "NOAH".
Such a wonderful movie! I definitely recommend!!!
Today Sunday, I slept to my heart's content (Sunday - pajama day ;)), then went to a friend's house to play cards and later table tennis for a while. We then prepared a big bowl of salad together and had it together with bread and cream cheese. Although I'm veggie, I've never been a great salad lover, but I'm growing into it, thanks to that friend who always makes salad when I'm over :D :D thank you Ursi!!!
Tomorrow I will work a heavy shift (8 a.m. to 17:30, with only 2x15 min. pause), but it's necessary, as I would have late shift, but have arranged this heavy shift with my boss every second Monday - to attend a self-help group for overeaters.
I'll tell you later how my first meeting with this support group went!
My weight is still not as low as I'd like it to be at these heights of the passing year :( I'm stuck at 105,4kg (232.5 lbs). My initial goal was to be down at 103kg (227 lbs) by end of april, to go for <100 kg (220 lbs) in may.
Seems like I was much too ambitious. But I'll do what I can...
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